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Diversity, Mental Health, and Affirmative Action in Universities

by Richard Meckien - published Jul 30, 2018 03:50 PM - - last modified Jun 15, 2023 12:40 PM

Event details


de Aug 16, 2022 - 08:30 AM
a Aug 16, 2022 - 06:00 PM

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+ 55 11 3091 1687

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Affirmative actions are a quick and efficient way to promote equality and access to opportunities in countries with historically marginalized populations, contributing to the strengthening of civil rights and democracy insofar as they favor the removal of these populations from the situation of social exclusion and sub-citizenship in which they were inserted.

This seminar aims to discuss the relevance of affirmative action as a tool for promoting diversity in universities and the challenges involved in university governance to protect mental health and promote academic success for students from historically marginalized populations who enter universities.


Free and public event | Registration required (here)
Online event | No attendance certification will be provided
The event will be held in English and there will be simultaneous translation into Portuguese | Live transmission at


nPeriferias Research Group (IEA)


Research Group on Psychology and Ethnic-Racial Relations (Institute of Psychology/USP)
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)




Gislene Aparecida dos Santos (USP), Guilherme Ary Plonski (USP), Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos (USP), Cássia Virgínia Bastos Maciel (Federal University of Bahia/UFBA), Juarez Tadeu de Paula Xavier (São Paulo State University/UNESP), Maria Aparecida da Silva Bento (Center for the Study of Labor Relations and Inequalities/CEERT).

Chair: Gislene Aparecida dos Santos (USP)



Round Table 1:

Mental health and academic success of black university students

Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos (USP)

Carlos Vinícius Gomes Melo (USP)

Mariana Martha de Cerqueira Silva (USP)

Chair: Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos (USP)


Round Table 2:

Academic Diversity and Rights: making changes through of the outsider within

Gislene Aparecida dos Santos (USP)

Patrícia Oliveira de Carvalho (Lawyer, Candidate in Master of Science in Law-USP)

Vinicius Conceição Silva Silva (Public Defensor, Candidate in Master of Science in Law-USP)

Thaís Becker Henriques Silveira (Lawyer, Candidate in Master of Science in Law-USP)


Camila Tavares de Moura Brasil Matos (USP)




Conference 1:

Affirmative Action in US universities

Edwin Dorn (University of Texas/Austin)

Chair: Alessandro de Oliveira dos Santos (USP)


Conference 2:

Democracy, diversity and struggle for justice

Sharon Davies (The Kettering Foundation)

Chair: Gislene Aparecida dos Santos (USP)


Forum with lessons learned and recommendations