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Newsletter #269

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 21, 2015 04:45 PM - - last modified Dec 01, 2023 11:56 AM

Issue 269 — October 11, 2018
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Olavo Setubal Chair promotes meeting on the theatrical scene of the Brazilian peripheries

The theatrical scene of the peripheries in Brazil will be the theme of the third meeting of the Peripheral Centralities cycle, organized by the Olavo Setubal Chair of Art, Culture and Science. On October 22, at 2:00 pm, representatives of four theater groups from São Paulo, Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte, as well as a researcher on the theme, will gather at the IEA to discuss the role of this artistic expression in the outskirts of large urban centers. The cycle seeks to bring the university closer to the peripheries, through dialogue between its residents and professors, technicians, artists, intellectuals and activists.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

Researchers discuss the impact of peoples' migration and culture on health

The second meeting of the series "Immigration and Health" will bring together representatives of medicine, social sciences and anthropology to discuss the impact of human displacement and culture on health. On November 7, at 10:00 am, they will address the concept of health in the broad sense, covering everything that provides (or not) the possibility of well-being and meaning to life. According to the Intercultural Dialogues Research Group, which organizes the event, any action in this area needs to be based on understanding the culture, traditions, beliefs and patterns of family interaction in order to be effective. "Needless to say how the diasporas, encounters and disagreements between cultures are intrinsically and historically linked to the health of the peoples that inhabit the planet," they argue.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

Seminar analyzes the history of Brazil based on the energy transition process

To understand the way in which the Brazilian energy matrix has shifted from one source to another through time, the Khronos Research Group on History of Science, Epistemology and Medicine will hold the seminar "Energy Transitions in Brazilian History" on November 8, from 11:30 am. The speaker will be Drielli Peyerl, a postdoctoral fellow at USP's Institute of Energy and Environment (IEE), and researcher at the Research Center for Gas Innovation, linked to USP's Polytechnic School (EP).

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


USP Global Cities Program selects collaborating and postdoc researchers

Hosted by the IEA, USP Global Cities Program now has an open call for collaborating and postdoctoral researchers. The objective is to enable the formation of groups of national and foreign researchers focused on urban issues, which can generate applications, experiments and solutions, as well as develop subsidies for the necessary transformations in the urban context. The deadline for subscriptions is December 16.

Researchers interested in participating, please send us an e-mail for further information.

Study Group on Computational Humanities selects new researchers

People interested in reflecting on the cultural device derived from the intensive use of computing can collaborate with IEA's Computational Humanities Study Group. Coordinated by Teixeira Coelho Neto, the group seeks to verify the changes that may be suffered by the concepts of human being and nature in the face of the new network of meanings. Researchers can be professors, postdocs, graduate students or start-up participants in the area.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


Sabbatical Year Program chooses seven researchers for 2019

IEA's Board has selected seven USP professors for the 2019 edition of the Sabbatical Year Program. They will carry out specific research during their stay at the Institute. Five of them will be part of the program for one year and two for six months. The selected researchers are: Arturo Forner Cordero (Polytechnic School - EP); Dennis de Oliveira (School of Communications and Arts - ECA); Eduardo Benedicto Ottoni (Institute of Psychology - IP); José Renato de Campos Araújo (School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities - EACH); Marco Antonio Bettine de Almeida (EACH); Mauricio Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira (Faculty of Education - FE) and Rogério Bastos Arantes (Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences - FFLCH).

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


IEA brings together proposals in strategic areas for the development of Brazil

One month before the first round of presidential elections, the IEA began a series of debates on critical issues to the country's development. In five meetings, the cycle "Elections 2018: Proposals for Brazil" discussed problems and possible solutions for education, economics, innovation, public management and health. The debates started from the ideas of José Goldemberg and Mauricio Holanda; Marcos Lisboa and Bernard Appy; Carlos Américo Pacheco and Fernanda De Negri; Evelyn Levi and Humberto Falcão Martins; and Drauzio Varella and Mário Scheffer.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.




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BOLETIM IEA / IEA NEWSLETTER — Divisão de Comunicação / Communication Division Chefe / Chief: Fernanda Cunha Rezende Redator / Editor: Mauro Bellesa Estagiário / Intern: Victor Matioli Versão em inglês / English version: Richard Meckien (+ 55 11) 3091-3922 Para receber, envie mensagem para / To subscribe send a message to Para cancelar o envio, escreva "Retirar" no "Assunto" da resposta / To unsubscribe write "Remove" in the "Subject" of your answer.