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Newsletter #297

by Richard Meckien - published Oct 21, 2015 04:45 PM - - last modified Mar 01, 2024 08:17 AM

Issue 297 — October 27, 2021
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IEA turns 35

The IEA celebrates 35 years this week. To mark the date, a book telling the history of the Institute is being prepared. A series of activities will also be carried out from the upcoming months until the first half of 2022. It is worth remembering the attributions established at the time of IEA's creation on October 29, 1986, which still remain as guidelines for the conducted activities. They are described in "USP’s youngest Institute*," an article published in the first issue of the journal "Estudos Avançados" in the fourth quarter of 1987. The text is authored by the study group that supported the then dean José Goldemberg in defining the proposal for the Institute. An eponymous article, written for issue #73 of December 2011, reflected on the beginning of the Institute and is available in English.

*Article available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


IEA announces the selected researchers for the 2022 Sabbatical Year Program

IEA's Board has chosen six USP professors from different areas to participate in the 2022 edition of the Sabbatical Year Program. They will develop their projects for a year, starting in March. During this period, they will be exempt from activities (including teaching) in their original units. The researchers are: Antonio Mauro Saraiva (Polytechnic School), Esmeralda Vailati Negrão (Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences), Janina Onuki (Institute of International Relations), Julio Roberto Groppa Aquino (School of Education), Leoberto Costa Tavares (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences), and Vagner Carvalheiro Porto (Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology). The program is a partnership between the IEA and USP's Dean of Research (PRP).

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

Néstor García Canclini will hold the Olavo Setubal Chair for another six months

The Governance Committee of the Olavo Setubal Chair of Art, Culture, and Science (a partnership between the IEA and the Itaú Cultural Institute) has decided to extend the tenure of cultural anthropologist Néstor García Canclini for another six months. Thus, he will continue to develop the project "The Institutionality of Culture in the Current Context of Sociocultural Change" until the end of February 2022. According to the Chair's Executive Coordination, the extension is explained by the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and by the very nature of the proposed research program, including a binational perspective with the collaboration of postdoctoral researchers Sharine Melo and Juan Brizuela.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

New ebook analyzes the impacts of digital technologies on art and culture

"Signs and Wonders: Art & Culture in the Digital Age" is the latest release by José Teixeira Coelho Netto, professor emeritus from USP's School of Communications and Arts (ECA), and a senior professor at the IEA, where he coordinates the Study Group on Computational Cultures and Humanities. Published by Editora Iluminuras (initially in English only), the work contains four essays, among which one is unpublished, and three are revised and expanded. The ebook is for sale on the internet. The printed version in Portuguese will be launched in November. Pre-sale copies are already available on the publisher's website.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.

Collection of articles presents sustainable alternatives for agribusiness

Publishing agency Editora Manole, the IEA, and USP's School of Public Health (FSP) have recently launched the book "Sustainability in Agribusiness." It contains 26 chapters divided into four sections: "Agribusiness and Sustainability," "Sustainable Systems and Practices," "Ecosystem Services and Climate Change," and "Legislation, Public Policy, and Governance". According to the editors, Arlindo Philippi Jr. and Cleverson Vitório Andreoli, the book's intention is to present sustainable alternatives for the exercise of the leading role of agribusiness as a decisive sector for Brazilian development.

Full story available in Portuguese only. For further information, please send us an e-mail.


October 29, at 2:00 pmThe Challenges of Journalism and Media Literacy in Face of the Scenario of Misinformation in the World

This event integrates the activities of the Global Week of Media and Information Literacy 2021, established by UNESCO. Watch live.

November 4, at 9:00 am - Post-Pandemic Sustainability

An event of the UrbanSus – Urban Sustainability cycle aimed at contributing to the process of forming the Federal University of Santa Catarina's Regional Urban Studies and Training Program in Sustainability. Watch live.

November 4 and 5, at 9:30 am The Lives of Artists in the Globalized World

An international conference to discuss the importance of biographical research on artists in an attempt to identify invariants and / or autonomous traditions in their lives. Watch live.

November 5, at 9:30 am - A Master of Modern Industrial and Labor Sociology in Brazil

A meeting organized by IEA's Quality of Democracy Research Group in honor of Leôncio Martins Rodrigues, a professor of political science at USP and UNICAMP who died on May 3rd. Watch live.

November 5, at 10 am - 5G in Brazil - A balance of four aspects related to its implementation

A discussion of the opinions expressed in previous debates organized by the Think Tank on 5G Deployment in Brazil. The objective is to gather data to structure the project and publish the final document. Watch live.

November 5, at 2 pm - 2021 Lancet Countdown Report – Launch of "Health Policy Recommendations in Brazil"

Launch of the 2021 edition of The Lancet Countdown, an annual collaborative international report that independently monitors the health consequences of a changing climate. Watch live.

November 8 to 11, daily at 9:30 am Political Imaginations for the 21st Century - John Raws: Democracy and Social Justice

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the classic "A Theory of Justice," by John Raws (1921-2002), this international webinar will address the current relevance of the work in the face of old-new challenges in political scenes. Watch live.





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BOLETIM IEA / IEA NEWSLETTER — Divisão de Comunicação / Communication Division Chefe / Chief: Fernanda Cunha Rezende Redator / Editor: Mauro Bellesa — Estagiário / Intern: -o- Versão em inglês / English version: Richard Meckien (+ 55 11) 3091-3922 Para receber, envie mensagem para / To subscribe send a message to Para cancelar o envio, escreva "Retirar" no "Assunto" da resposta / To unsubscribe write "Remove" in the "Subject" of your answer.