Program on quality of democracy interviews Francisco Weffort
On January 27, at 5 pm, the second edition of the talk show "A Qualidade da Democracia em Questão" will be broadcast live over the web. The guest will be political scientist Weffort Francisco, professor emeritus of USP’s Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH), former minister of culture (1995 - 2002) and columnist of the blog Qualidade da Democracia, of which he is one of the founders.
Produced by IEA-USP’s Quality of Democracy Research Group together with USP’s Center for Public Policy Research (NUPPs), and in partnership with Uversita – Universidade Aberta (Open University) for live streaming, the program is directed and presented by José Álvaro Moisés, professor of the Department of Political Science at FFLCH, scientific director of NUPPs and coordinator of the research group.
In this second edition, besides Moisés, the program will also have political scientist Carlos Alberto de Melo as interviewer. He is professor at the Institute of Education and Research (Insper), associate researcher at NUPPs and member of IEA-USP’s research group.