Visiting professors
Foreigners interested in temporarily integrating the IEA must submit an interdisciplinary research project.
Proposals should include bold contributions in the fields of science, culture and society, and contain a plan of activities to be developed, preferably in touch with the Institute's research groups.
The applicants are hoped to be researchers of recognized merit, with potential to develop various academic activities at the IEA and USP. At the end of their contract they should submit a report of the undertaken activities and obtained results.
- Letter of interest;
- Curriculum vitae;
- Project title;
- Desired period (minimum of six months and maximum of two years);
- Summary;
- Goal;
- Justification (academic and scientific scope);
- Expected scientific and social impacts;
- Involved knowledge areas;
- Workplan to be carried out, detailing its relation with USP's teaching, research, and culture and extension activities;
- Schedule;
- Foreseen scientific works to be elaborated (papers, books, annals and others);
- Bibliographic references.
Visiting professors at the IEA
Bernardo Sorj
Donald Macandrew Peterson |
Hugh Matthew Lacey |
Jeffrey Lesser |
Jerry Alan Hogan |
Massimo Canevacci |