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Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory

by Rafael Borsanelli - published Jan 29, 2013 02:55 PM - - last modified Apr 05, 2014 11:11 AM

This group seeks to find new ways to encourage innovation in businesses and universities, enhancing the quality of the debate through the economics of knowledge and adding different views of the processes of innovation, R&D and stimulus to Brazilian competitiveness.

Bruno César Pino Oliveira de Araújo Research
Celso dos Santos Fonseca Executive Secretary
Débora Oliveira da Silva Research
Demétrio Gaspari Cirne de Toledo Research
Diogo Rosenthal Coutinho Coordinator
Eduardo de Senzi Zancul Coordinator
Glauco Arbix Coordinator
Guilherme Soares Gurgel do Amaral Research
José da Rocha Carvalheiro Coordinator
Leonardo Augusto de Vasconcelos Gomes Research
Leonardo Melo Lins Research
Mario Sergio Salerno General coordinator
Sérgio Kannebley Júnior Coordinator
Simone Lara Research