New research group will examine the effects of time acceleration in culture
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 29, 2014 05:49 PMPerformative meeting marks launch of the book “SincrétiKa”, by Massimo Canevacci
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Oct 28, 2015 12:43 PMThe dialogue between science and traditional knowledge for biodiversity conservation
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 04, 2014 11:44 PMThe challenges of justice in face of social change in Brazil
— by Richard Meckien — last modified May 08, 2014 05:28 PMScience and the meaning of life in a time of disenchantment
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Oct 28, 2015 12:38 PMThe connections between the work of art, aesthetic appreciation and “to be moved”
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 05, 2014 12:23 AMHugh Lacey’s Model to Analyze the Relationship between Values and Scientific Endeavor
— by Richard Meckien — last modified May 10, 2016 09:16 AMAn interdisciplinary look at the drought in São Paulo
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 25, 2014 10:31 AMResearchers analyze the new edition of the dietary guidelines for Brazilians
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 21, 2014 03:21 PMRisk and uncertainty in the context of scientific expertise
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 19, 2014 02:19 PMMenninghaus analyzes the mechanisms involved in the appreciation of works of art
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 17, 2014 05:59 PMThe concepts of risk and uncertainty in perspective
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 19, 2014 11:26 AMDirector of the IEA-USP gives conference in Costa Rica on the importance of museums
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:43 PMOn February 19, Martin Grossmann talked about the relations between museums, local contexts and the public sphere at a conference at Fundación Teorética, Costa Rica.
Gender relations and democracy in focus
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Feb 20, 2014 02:57 PMCentral America launches a new IAS
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Feb 25, 2014 02:40 PMSeminar Examines Barriers to Effective Democratization of the Right to Healthcare
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jan 30, 2014 05:45 PMBrazilian foreign policy under the critical gaze of Bernardo Sorj
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Oct 28, 2015 12:37 PMMarco Antonio Zago sworn in as new president
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Feb 14, 2014 03:58 PMProgram on quality of democracy interviews Francisco Weffort
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jan 25, 2014 06:14 PMThe program will be held on January 27, at 5 pm, with live broadcast on the web. Weffort will be interviewed by José Álvaro Moisés and Carlos Alberto de Melo, both of the IEA-USP's Quality of Democracy Research Group.
USP celebrates 80 years of its foundation
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 06, 2014 11:44 AMUSP celebrates 80 years of its establishment on January 25, date which also marks the inauguration of the new president, Marco Antonio Zago
Carlos Roberto Ferreira Brandão is the new deputy director of the IEA-USP
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jan 08, 2014 06:01 PMThe zoologist was chosen by rector João Grandino Rodas in late December from a list of three names.
2014 agenda foresees discussion of historical, institutional and strategic issues
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 23, 2020 09:26 AMThe preliminary schedule for 2014 has already been set. Highlights include analyzes of historical events that marked Brazil and the world in the 20th century, the debate on strategic issues for the country and reflection on institutional issues linked to the IEA-USP and USP, and the development of scientific cooperation projects with international institutions.
IEA-USP fosters international dialogue by launching the English version of the 73th issue of its journal
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jan 20, 2014 11:59 AMThe journal 'Estudos Avançados' has launched the English version of its issue 73, dedicated to the history and the profile of IEA-USP and other Brazilian and foreign IASs. The goal of the initiative is to collaborate with the dialogue between the institutes of the University Network-Based Institutes for Advanced Study (UBIAS) network and other international institutions.
We are the champions: IEA wins USP’s Volleyball Championship
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Dec 13, 2013 04:25 PMJerry Hogan’s effort to bring structure to the fragmentation of ethology
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 30, 2015 02:55 PMFRIAS launches the COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP) for the academic year 2014/15
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Dec 10, 2013 04:06 PMThe programme is open to all disciplines and the financial conditions are internationally competitive. The deadline for application is January 10th, 2014.
Board of the IEA publishes open letter about the depredations of USP’s central administration and the institute premises
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jan 09, 2014 10:58 AMBoard of the IEA publishes open letter about the invasion and occupation of USP's administrative complex by students in the period from October 1 to November 12, 2013.
Interview program on quality of democracy debuts on Uversita
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jan 25, 2014 06:07 PMDirected and presented by José Álvaro Moisés, the first edition of 'A Qualidade da Democracia em Questão' has interviewed the Portuguese political scientist António Costa Pinto.
The result of 42 days of occupation
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 07, 2017 11:05 AMThe scenario found after the reinstatement of the set of buildings that house IEA's dependencies includes vandalism, theft and violations.
Institute for Advanced Study of Technische Universität München invites applications for its prestigious professorship
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Nov 08, 2013 09:54 AMThe vacancies are intended to early career scientists and authors with relevant scientific and technological contributions.