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by Richard Meckien - published Aug 28, 2012 12:00 PM - - last modified Mar 08, 2019 09:43 AM

Study Group in Neuroscience is created at IEA's Ribeirão Preto Center

by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 23, 2020 09:07 AM

The creation of the Reflections on Contemporary Neuroscience Study Group, the first of IEA's Ribeirão Preto Center, was approved by the Board at its meeting on August 9.

Study Group in Neuroscience is created at IEA's Ribeirão Preto Center - Read More…

Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory debates shortage of engineers

by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 05, 2014 11:21 AM

IEA’s Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory (NAP-OIC) Research Group will discuss the shortage of engineers in the Brazilian labor market in the seminar ‘Faltam Engenheiros? De Que Tipo, Onde, Por Quê? Quais as Perspectivas?’ on August 30, at 11 am.

Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory debates shortage of engineers - Read More…

Meeting in London discusses partnership with Rainforest Continent Business School

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 12, 2015 09:26 AM

The possibilities of collaboration between research programs, British institutions and a Rainforest Continent Business School will be discussed on July 22 at 10 am at Clarence House, the official residence in London and seat of Prince Charles’ foundation of the United Kingdom.

Meeting in London discusses partnership with Rainforest Continent Business School - Read More…

Event debates racism in Cuba and Haiti

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 17, 2013 11:27 AM

Two Caribbean countries marked by a history of colonial exploitation, slavery and international blockade, and transformed by revolutions led by the people. That is the scenery of Haiti and Cuba, two nations that, despite many similarities, appear quite different with regard to racism. And it was to discuss these differences that the IEA held the panel ‘The Place of Race: Contemporary Caribbean Debates’ on June 27.

Event debates racism in Cuba and Haiti - Read More…

New meeting of researchers addresses the effects of the street protests in Brazil

by Richard Meckien — last modified Aug 26, 2015 02:38 PM

'What's Next?', the second event in the series UTI Brasil of the Contemporary Societies Laboratory, will be held on July 3, at 11 am, in IEA's Event Room.

New meeting of researchers addresses the effects of the street protests in Brazil - Read More…

Canevacci: a new scientific thinking for the context of digital culture

by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 03, 2014 11:36 AM

In the interview to IEA’s journalist Flávia Dourado, professor Massimo Canevacci explains some of the concepts of his authorship and questions the idea of an alienating culture.

Canevacci: a new scientific thinking for the context of digital culture - Read More…

IEA debates the street protests across Brazil

by Richard Meckien — last modified Aug 26, 2015 01:59 PM

A debate entitled 'What's Happening?' will be held on June 21, at 11 am, with the participation of various of the researchers associated to the IEA as panelists and moderation by Renato Janine Ribeiro.

IEA debates the street protests across Brazil - Read More…

Ellen Northfleet and Sedi Hirano are the new counselors of the IEA

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 19, 2013 03:46 PM

In early June, USP’s rector João Grandino Rodas appointed two new members to the institute’s governing council: jurist Ellen Gracie Northfleet, former president of the Federal Supreme Court, and sociologist Sedi Hirano, former dean of Culture and University Extension.

Ellen Northfleet and Sedi Hirano are the new counselors of the IEA - Read More…

Princeton researchers present panel on racism in the Caribbean

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 19, 2013 03:47 PM

To present an overview of racism in Cuba and Haiti through a comparative approach is the goal of the panel ‘The Place of Race: Contemporary Caribbean Debates’, to be held on June 27 at the IEA with exhibitions by Rachel Price and Nick Nesbitt, both professors at Princeton University.

Princeton researchers present panel on racism in the Caribbean - Read More…

Research group launches book on nutrition physiology

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 19, 2013 03:52 PM

The book ‘Fisiologia da Nutrição na Saúde e na Doença: da Biologia Molecular ao Tratamento’ (Nutrition Physiology in Health and Disease: from Molecular Biology to Treatment), produced from the initiative of IEA’s Nutrition and Poverty Research Group, will be launched on June 20.

Research group launches book on nutrition physiology - Read More…

The cultural exchange between Brazil and France over the centuries

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 19, 2013 03:50 PM

IEA's Brazil-France Research Group will launch the book 'Cinco Séculos de Presença Francesa no Brasil: Invasões, Missões, Irrupções' (Five Centuries of French Presence in Brazil: Invasions, Quests, Outbursts) on June 19.

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Cultural memory: the link between past, present, and future

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 07, 2013 03:08 PM

The event, held on May 15 at IEA, opened the conference cycle ‘Spaces of Remembrance’, which the researchers uttered in the country from May 15 to 21 as part of the Year of Germany in Brazil. The cycle has been a realization of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and the Institute for Advanced Studies on Social and Cultural Mobility, with the support of IEA and other institutions.

Cultural memory: the link between past, present, and future - Read More…

Theoretical frameworks of differentiation between humans and animals

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 05, 2013 03:52 PM

The fourth meeting of the 'Conference Cycle on Humans and Animals: The Limits of Mankind' will bring together three researchers to discuss comparisons between humans and animals from different points of view. The roundtable will take place on June 6 at 9.30 am in IEA’a Event Room.

Theoretical frameworks of differentiation between humans and animals - Read More…

Seminar moots the critical and empirical approach of digital culture

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 05, 2013 03:53 PM

The possibilities of cross between critical theory and empirical research in the study of digital culture will be addressed at the seminar 'teoria crítica, cultura digital, cinema eXpandido', that IEA will hold on June 7 at 3 pm in IEA's Event Room.

Seminar moots the critical and empirical approach of digital culture - Read More…

Event discusses the future of engineering education

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jun 05, 2013 03:53 PM

Perspectives of Engineering Education in Brazil is the theme of the seminar that IEA's Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory (OIC) Research Group will promote on June 7 at 11 am in the institute's Event Room.

Event discusses the future of engineering education - Read More…

Collegium de Lyon: advanced studies guided by scientific freedom

by Richard Meckien — last modified Mar 14, 2014 11:42 AM

The international conference 'The Collegium de Lyon: A French Institute of Advanced Studies' was held by the IEA on May 10. Olivier Faron, the institution's president, spoke about the particularities, operation, and objectives of the institute.

Collegium de Lyon: advanced studies guided by scientific freedom - Read More…

Meeting discusses the ‘culture’ of other primates

by Richard Meckien — last modified Sep 15, 2014 05:07 PM

The third meeting of the 'Conference Cycle on Humans and Animals: The Limits of Mankind' takes place on May 22 at 9.30 am at IEA’s Event Room.

Meeting discusses the ‘culture’ of other primates - Read More…

Art and hacktivism in debate

by Richard Meckien — last modified May 21, 2013 11:17 AM

The intersections of artistic practices, hacking and economy are the theme of the meeting 'Interrupção em Rede: Repensando Oposições em Arte, Hacktivismo e Negócios da Rede Social' (Interruption Network: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and Social Network Business), to be held at IEA on May 23 at 3.00 pm in the Event Room.

Art and hacktivism in debate - Read More…

Three new groups integrate the research structure of the IEA

by Richard Meckien — last modified Sep 20, 2013 09:12 AM

The IEA has two new research groups and a new study group. The proposals for their creation were approved in the last two meetings of the Board. ‘Quality of Democracy’ and ‘Fórum Permanente: Cultural System Between Public and Private’ are the new research groups while ‘Evolution of the Universities: Contemporary Challenges’ is the theme to be discussed by the new study group.

Three new groups integrate the research structure of the IEA - Read More…

German researchers talk about communicative and cultural memories

by Richard Meckien — last modified May 21, 2013 11:48 AM

Jan Assmann and Aleida Assmann, both professors at the University of Konstanz, Germany, will be the exhibitors of the international seminar Communicative and Cultural Memory, which will be held on May 15, at 7 pm, in the IEA'a Event Room.

German researchers talk about communicative and cultural memories - Read More…

A French IAS: Collegium de Lyon

by Richard Meckien — last modified May 09, 2013 03:49 PM

A French Institute for Advanced Studies is the subject of the presentation of the institution's president, Olivier Faron, on May 10, at 2 pm, at IEA's Event Room.

A French IAS: Collegium de Lyon - Read More…

Rainforest Continent Business School project will be discussed at the Wilson Center

by Richard Meckien — last modified Apr 30, 2013 04:40 PM

A discussion on the Rainforest Continent Business School project will be held on May 15 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, USA.

Rainforest Continent Business School project will be discussed at the Wilson Center - Read More…

A new institute for advanced study in the UK

by Richard Meckien — last modified Sep 30, 2015 12:28 PM

On April 11, Malcolm Press, Director of the University of Birmingham’s IAS, visited the IEA to talk about the first year of activities in his institute.

A new institute for advanced study in the UK - Read More…

2012 Institutional News

by Flávia Dourado — last modified Jan 22, 2019 02:56 PM

Several efforts were made to coordinate the academic activities of the IEA, such as the 2012-2017 Management Project, which includes the creation of four meta-curatorships: Commons, Glocal, Abstraction and Transformation.

2012 Institutional News - Read More…

The IEA in 2012 and the outlook for the next two years

by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:38 PM

Martin Grossmann gave an account of what was achieved in 2012 to consolidate the 2012-2017 Management Project and offered an outlook of the future in the internal workshop IEA: Present and Future, held on December 12.

The IEA in 2012 and the outlook for the next two years - Read More…

2012 Books

by Flávia Dourado — last modified Oct 15, 2015 04:26 PM

Three research groups published books containing essays and research findings. The IEA sponsored the publication of two books organized by José Eli da Veiga.

2012 Books - Read More…

Videos of seminars and speechs - Special Rio+20

by Flávia Dourado — last modified Nov 16, 2015 08:36 AM

The IEA Online Media Library has several videos of events related to environmental and sustainability issues. The videos are listed below, arranged in six categories.

Videos of seminars and speechs - Special Rio+20 - Read More…