Special Rio+20
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Oct 20, 2015 08:42 AMIEA: 25 years of studies on environmental issues and sustainable development
Special Rio+20 - Books
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified May 14, 2013 05:35 PMThe digital books listed below were produced by the Research Group on Environmental Sciences. The first two refer to the 2005 and 2007 Regional Conferences on Global Change: South America. The third gathers contributions to the 2010 International Conference of the Waterlat Network.
Dossiers of the 'Estudos Avançados' journal
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Apr 10, 2013 05:58 PMThe quarterly journal “Estudos Avançados”, launched in 1987, regularly publishes dossiers on environmental and sustainability issues, including deforestation and reforestation, climate change, biodiversity, bioenergy and water management. The table below shows the titles of the dossiers and links to their English versions.
Environment in 2012
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Oct 09, 2015 12:26 PMRio+20, held in June, was an event that mobilized the IEA throughout the year. Among the results were the production of a book, the organization of several events, and the participation in USP-sponsored sustainability initiatives.
International meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil - India Collection
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:37 PMInternational meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil - Texts
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:35 PMInternational meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil - Photos
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:35 PMInternational meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:32 PMThe differences in the democratic consolidation processes of India and Brazil and the similarities between the current realities of both countries were the main issues discussed at the meeting High Density Democracies: India and Brazil, organized by IEA on June 26.
Curatorship and collecting of the contemporary Latin American art
— by admin — last modified Jun 12, 2015 08:34 AMHuman Rights in 2012
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Oct 09, 2015 12:39 PMThe UNESCO Chair in Education for Peace, Human Rights, Democracy and Tolerance, the Center for Studies of Violence (NEV) and USP's Maria Antonia University Center (CEUMA) organized a five-module debate cycle on Human Rights and Development.
Estudos Avançados Journal in 2012
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Oct 09, 2015 12:29 PMIn December, with the release of issue no.76, the Estudos Avançados journal celebrated 25 years of uninterrupted publication.
Research Groups in 2012-2013
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Oct 20, 2015 08:28 AMHighlights of publications, events, and other activities of the Research Groups.
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:39 PMProfessor Malcolm Press, Director of the IAS, will give a presentation on the development of the institute in its first year of existence and plans for the future on April 11, at 15 pm, at the IEA-USP.
Research group discusses the creation of a Rainforest Business School
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Sep 28, 2015 08:05 AMThe project is aimed at training specialists in sustainable business in the Amazon, who should be able to harness the economic potential of the standing forest.
Pilot project for the Intercontinental Academia is approved
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:29 PMNew steps towards internationalization
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Jul 23, 2018 02:28 PMIEA takes part in meeting with directors of Ubias. The event was held on March 4 to 6, at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Israel.
A Cutting Edge Academy
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Mar 07, 2014 01:59 PMOn February 15th, economist Dapeng Cai and chemist Susumu Saito presented the Institute for Advanced Research (IAR) of Nagoya University and talked about the project to be developed in partnership with the IEA.
New steps towards internationalization
— by Richard Meckien — last modified Sep 23, 2013 01:38 PMThe IEA was present at the meeting of directors from University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study (UBIAS), the network that brings together 32 advanced research institutes affiliated with universities around the world. The encounter, which discussed the topic Shaping the Future: Navigating a Changing World, was held from March 4 to 6, at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Israel.
2012 Specials Events
— by Flávia Dourado — last modified Sep 12, 2015 09:59 AMFour special events addressed issues pertaining to Brazil, Latin America, India, and the European Union.