Giselle Beiguelman is an artist and a professor of USP's Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU-USP). Her work includes networking projects and interventions in public spaces. She has been involved in the creation and development of digital applications since 1994, and in the area of preservation of media works. She is the leader of the Aesthetics of Memory in the 21st Century Research Group CNPq / FAU-USP, and a member of the Laboratory for Other Urbanisms (FAU-USP) and of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory Image Knowledge of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In 2016, she held the individual exhibitions Cinema Lascado at Caixa Cultural São Paulo and Quanto Pesa Uma Nuvem at Galpão VP, in São Paulo. She participated in the collective exhibitions Unplace, Calouste Gulbekian Foundation (Lisbon, 2015); the 3rd Bahia Biennale (Salvador, 2014); the 25th São Paulo Biennale (2002); The Algorithmic Revolution, ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2004-2008), and NET_Condition (1999-2000). She was the curator of Tecnofagias (3rd 3M Digital Art Show, Tomie Othake Institute) and Memória da Amnésia (Historical Archive of São Paulo, 2015). |