Postdoctoral fellowship: Understanding the process of socioenvironmental policy co-production – measuring societal impact
Deadline: March 25, 2025
The Biota Synthesis program seeks a new highly qualified postdoctoral fellow to be part of a "Center of Analysis and Synthesis of Nature-based Solutions".
The main role of this position will be to gain a deeper understanding of the processes of knowledge and public policy co-production within the project, as well as to develop and assess indicators of societal impact.
The ideal candidate should be skilled in collaborative teamwork, and have strong abilities in active listening and engaging in dialogue with researchers and social actors from diverse backgrounds and professional experiences. Additionally, he/she should possess expertise in modeling and analytical methods (good knowledge in R, github, and multivariate statistical analyses) to work with impact indicators, including those provided by Altmetrics, Overton, and PlumX.
Although the postdoctoral position is open to Brazilian and foreign researchers who have a PhD degree, fluency in Portuguese is desired to facilitate the discussion and dialogue with the different actors involved in the project.
Fellowships offered by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) are competitive (R$ 12,000 - approximately US$ 2,000.00 per month) and granted for 24 months. They include a research contingency fund equivalent to 10% of its annual value, which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity.
Full information here.