Undergraduate Student, University of Tokyo.
Professional Experience
- 1979-86 Researcher, Division of Physics, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute 1983-85 Postdoctoral researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory (on leave from Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst.) 1987-96 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
- 1994-2005 Senior Guest Researcher, RIKEN 1997- Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
- 2001-2003 Board of Directors, Physical Society of Japan,
- 2005- Director, Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo 2005- Adjunct Professor, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University
- 2008-2010 Chair, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
- 2011-2017 Member, Science Council of Japan