Referências bibliográficas do projeto Qualidade da Democracia
DAHL, R. (1971), Polyarchy: participation and opposition. New Haven/Londres, Yale University Press.
DIAMOND, L. e MORLINO, L. The quality of democracy. Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL). Number 20. Set./04. Standford, Estados Unidos: Stanford University, 2004.
KARL, T. L. (2000), "Electoralism. In R. Rose et al., The international encyclopedia of elections, Washington DC, Congressional Quarterly Press.
Lijphart, A. Patterns of democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.
MOISÉS, J. A. e MENEGUELLO, R. A Desconfiança Política e seus impactos na Qualidade Da Democracia – O Caso Do Brasil (Edusp, 2013, no prelo).
MORLINO, L. What is a "good" democracy? Theory and empirical analysis. Trabalho apresentado na Conferência The European Union, Nations State, and the Quality of Democracy - Lessons from the Southern Europe, Out.-Nov., University of California, 2002.
O'DONNELL, G.; CULLELL, J. V. & Iazzetta, O. M. The quality of democracy. Indiana, University of Notre Dame Press, 2004.
SCHMITTER, P. The ambiguous virtues of accountability. In L. Diamond e L. Morlino, Assessing the quality of democracy. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
SCHUMPETER, J. The Theory of Economic Development. An Inquiry into Profits, Capital Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycle. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961.
SHIN, D. C. Democratization: perspectives from global citizenries. In R. Dalton, e H-D. Klingemann (eds.), Oxford, The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior, 2005.