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Image Marilda Gifalli, Susumu Saito, Dapeng Cai and Sylvia Dantas
Advanced research at the Nagoya University - February 15, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:46
Image Susumu Saito, Dapeng Cai and Sylvia Dantas
Advanced research at the Nagoya University - February 15, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:46
Image Susumu Saito, Dapeng Cai and Sylvia Dantas
Advanced research at the Nagoya University - February 15, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:46
Advanced research at the Nagoya University - February 15, 2013
por Richard Meckien última modificação 14/02/2014 15:50 — registrado em:
A new institute for advanced study in the UK
On April 11, Malcolm Press, Director of the University of Birmingham’s IAS, visited the IEA to talk about the first year of activities in his institute. por Richard Meckien última modificação 30/09/2015 12:28 — registrado em: , , , ,
Image Martin Grossmann
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:44
Image Malcolm Press, Pedro Jacobi and Célio Bermann
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:44
Image Malcolm Press and Martin Grossmann
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:44
Image Malcolm Press and Martin Grossmann
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:44
Image Malcolm Press
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:43
Image Spectators
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:43
Image Malcolm Press
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:43
Image Malcolm Press
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:43
Image Malcolm Press
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:43
Image Opening with Martin Grossmann
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013 por Richard Meckien última modificação 01/03/2019 16:43
Introducing the University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies: Development and Plans for the Future - April 11, 2013
por Richard Meckien última modificação 14/02/2014 15:49 — registrado em:
Research Funding System
por Richard Meckien última modificação 15/04/2020 15:16
File Institutional Project (2012-2017)
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 16:50
The IEA in 2012 and the outlook for the next two years
Martin Grossmann gave an account of what was achieved in 2012 to consolidate the 2012-2017 Management Project and offered an outlook of the future in the ... por Richard Meckien última modificação 23/07/2018 14:38
File The Indian Economy Since Independence
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 16:46
File The Idea of India In the 21st Century
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 16:40
File Contrasting Brazilian and Indian Experiences and Strategies
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 16:13
International meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil - India Collection
por Richard Meckien última modificação 23/07/2018 14:37
International meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil - Texts
por Richard Meckien última modificação 23/07/2018 14:35
File Brazil, China, and the Emergence of the South
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 16:06
File Challenges of democracy in Brazil from a historical perspective
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 16:01
File Development with Democracy for the Pos Colonial South: From Dependency to Globalisation
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 15:57
File Building And Deepening Democracy In a Highly Differentiated Society
por Richard Meckien última modificação 19/11/2013 15:45
International meeting discusses democracy in India and in Brazil - Photos
por Richard Meckien última modificação 23/07/2018 14:35
por Richard Meckien última modificação 23/07/2018 14:15